FUSING CLASSES every Saturday – check schedule at www.artglassconnection.com

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Art Glass Connection’s Class and Workshop schedule is posted on our web site and is changed monthly.

For the most accurate information, please visit www.artglassconnection.com and view our Current Workshop Schedule.
FUSED GLASS Workshops rotate each week by project or subject matter.

We also offer a “Drop In Fusing Center” for a fun experience, and we book parties for all ages and all occasions. How about a Girls Night Out or a Couples Night Out? Round up a minimum of 6 friends, co-workers or family members and we’ll have a FUSING event just for you! Call JoAnna for details at (954)434-7007 or better yet, stop in our shop to see all the amazing glass you can play with!

FUSING CLASSES every Saturday - check schedule at www.artglassconnection.com

Date(s) - 10/26/2013
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

JoAnna Vitale

varies by project

954 434 7007

